Manager | Statutory Auditor

Joanna Staniek-Kociuba

Joanna Staniek-Kociuba

Joanna Staniek-Kociuba

Joanna Staniek-Kociuba

Manager | Statutory Auditor

Joanna is a Manager at Nexia Pro Audit, working with us since 2007. She is a certified auditor. She oversees and manages the work of audit teams, having gathered her experience in financial audit on projects in various sectors, including construction, logistics, and mining. She is the key auditor in the audits of financial statements prepared in accordance with Polish Accounting Regulations and IFRS (including public-interest entities – listed on the Stock Exchange). She specialises in auditing financial statements and auditing projects (co-)financed by the European Union. She has also an experience in other attestation services. Graduate from the Faculty of Management (specialisation: Accounting) at the Cracow (Kraków) University of Economics.

in the Ranking of Audit Firms auditing the GPW
in the Ranking of Audit Firms
in the Ranking of Audit Firms by revenue
Nexia International in Europe
Nexia International around the world
Member countries
120 +
Distinction in the Rzeczpospolita Ranking
Nexia Pro Audit was once again recognized in the ‘Pro Bono activity’ category in 2021

Napisz wiadomość do Joanna Staniek-Kociuba

Administratorem Pani/Pana danych osobowych będzie PRO AUDIT Kancelaria Biegłych Rewidentów Sp. z o.o. (Nexia Pro Audit) z siedzibą w Krakowie. Pani/Pana dane będą przetwarzane w celu obsługi zapytania. Więcej informacji na temat RODO można przeczytać w Polityce prywatności